Cemeteries in Saulsbury, Tennessee

24 cemeteries in Saulsbury, Tennessee


What are the different types of cemeteries in Saulsbury?

Private Cemeteries in Saulsbury, Tennessee often have specific restrictions, such as religious affiliation or family connections. Military Cemeteries in Saulsbury, Tennessee are primarily for veterans and individuals who have served in the armed forces, and in some cases, their family members. Public Cemeteries in Saulsbury, Tennessee are open to the general public without any particular restrictions.

What information you provide for cemeteries in Saulsbury?

We offer detailed information for cemeteries in Saulsbury, Tennessee , including the names of deceased individuals, their birth and death dates, data about relatives, and cemetery locations. Additionally, you can obtain historical records and conduct searches for ancestors interred in Saulsbury, Tennessee .

For how many cemeteries in Saulsbury does Rhedesium have burial data?

Our database contains records of burials from 24 cemeteries.

What is the history of Saulsbury Tennessee?

History. Saulsbury traces its roots to an early settlement known as Berlin, that was located one mile south of the current town on old Stateline Road. Two mail routes, from Bolivar to Ripley, MS and from LaGrange to Corinth, crossed at that location and the area became a trading center.

What is the oldest town in Tennessee?

Jonesborough, the oldest town in Tennessee, is established seventeen years before Tennessee was granted statehood. The General Assembly of North Carolina established it as the county seat of Washington County.

What is the oldest house in Tennessee?

The stately Carter Mansion, built between 1775 and 1780, sits among old shade trees beside the Watauga River on a quiet street in Elizabethton. The manor is believed to be the oldest standing frame house in Tennessee and the first house to have glass windows.

What is the oldest town in Middle Tennessee?

Jonesborough (historically also Jonesboro) is a town in, and the county seat of, Washington County, Tennessee, in the Southeastern United States. Its population was 5,860 as of 2020. It is "Tennessee's oldest town".

What is the oldest town in East Tennessee?

And the history of this place does not stop at Old Hickory. Nicknamed "Tennessee's Oldest Town," Jonesborough was founded in 1779 when Tennessee was still claimed by North Carolina, and it was the capital for the failed 14th State of the U.S., known as the State of Franklin.

What is the least populated town in Tennessee?

Located just east of Memphis near the border of Tennessee and Mississippi, Saulsbury is the least-populated incorporated municipality in Tennessee. Check out the full gallery of each state's smallest town here.

What was the first name suggested for Tennessee?

The earliest known written variant of the name that became Tennessee was recorded by Spanish explorer Captain Juan Pardo when he and his men passed through a Native American village named "Tanasqui" in 1567 while traveling inland from modern-day South Carolina.

What is the history of Gray Station Tennessee?

The town was founded as Gray Station, Tennessee, as it mainly served as a railway depot; the place became Gray in preferred usage. The Gray area consisted primarily of rural farmland until the 1990s, when some suburban areas began to take shape.

What is the oldest town in Middle Tennessee?

Jonesborough (historically also Jonesboro) is a town in, and the county seat of, Washington County, Tennessee, in the Southeastern United States. Its population was 5,860 as of 2020. It is "Tennessee's oldest town".

What is the oldest town in East Tennessee?

And the history of this place does not stop at Old Hickory. Nicknamed "Tennessee's Oldest Town," Jonesborough was founded in 1779 when Tennessee was still claimed by North Carolina, and it was the capital for the failed 14th State of the U.S., known as the State of Franklin.

What is the least populated town in Tennessee?

Located just east of Memphis near the border of Tennessee and Mississippi, Saulsbury is the least-populated incorporated municipality in Tennessee. Check out the full gallery of each state's smallest town here.

What is the history of Scotts Hill Tennessee?

History. Scotts Hill was first settled in 1825 by Charles Austin. The town was incorporated in April 1917, and Isiaac Wesley Patterson served as the first mayor. The town developed quickly, due its location on a main stagecoach route from Clifton, Tennessee to Jackson, Tennessee.