Cemeteries in Port Republic, New Jersey

6 cemeteries in Port Republic, New Jersey


What are the different types of cemeteries in Port Republic?

Private Cemeteries in Port Republic, New Jersey often have specific restrictions, such as religious affiliation or family connections. Military Cemeteries in Port Republic, New Jersey are primarily for veterans and individuals who have served in the armed forces, and in some cases, their family members. Public Cemeteries in Port Republic, New Jersey are open to the general public without any particular restrictions.

What information you provide for cemeteries in Port Republic?

We offer detailed information for cemeteries in Port Republic, New Jersey , including the names of deceased individuals, their birth and death dates, data about relatives, and cemetery locations. Additionally, you can obtain historical records and conduct searches for ancestors interred in Port Republic, New Jersey .

For how many cemeteries in Port Republic does Rhedesium have burial data?

Our database contains records of burials from 6 cemeteries.

Can you be buried on your own property in New Jersey?

The only place that burial can take place in New Jersey is on land that is dedicated for cemetery purposes. For your property to be used for burial, you would have to apply to the New Jersey Cemetery Board for a Certificate of Authority to operate as a "cemetery company."

How many cemeteries are in New Jersey?

The New Jersey Cemetery Association is a 70 year old not-for-profit organization representing more than 225 religious, municipal and non-sectarian cemeteries located in New Jersey.

Do cemeteries pay property taxes in New Jersey?

Cemetery property is exempt from New Jersey property tax. ( N.J.S.A. Sec. 54:4-3.9 ) Cemetery property includes graveyards and burial grounds not exceeding ten acres.

What are the rules for burial in New Jersey?

New Jersey is one of only a few states that do actually require you to use the services of a licensed funeral director, even if you are conducting a home funeral. Legally the death certificate and the burial or cremation permit must be submitted by a licensed funeral professional.