Cemeteries in Nantucket, Massachusetts

12 cemeteries in Nantucket, Massachusetts


What are the different types of cemeteries in Nantucket?

Private Cemeteries in Nantucket, Massachusetts often have specific restrictions, such as religious affiliation or family connections. Military Cemeteries in Nantucket, Massachusetts are primarily for veterans and individuals who have served in the armed forces, and in some cases, their family members. Public Cemeteries in Nantucket, Massachusetts are open to the general public without any particular restrictions.

What information you provide for cemeteries in Nantucket?

We offer detailed information for cemeteries in Nantucket, Massachusetts , including the names of deceased individuals, their birth and death dates, data about relatives, and cemetery locations. Additionally, you can obtain historical records and conduct searches for ancestors interred in Nantucket, Massachusetts .

For how many cemeteries in Nantucket does Rhedesium have burial data?

Our database contains records of burials from 12 cemeteries.

Can you be buried on Nantucket?

There are five private cemeteries on Nantucket and to obtain information about them, one uses the Prospect Hill web site: https://www.prospecthillcemetery.com/. Founders Burial Ground, 202 Cliff Road.

Who has a house on Nantucket?

Famous second homeowners include Secretary of State John F. Kerry and his wife, philanthropist Teresa Heinz Kerry; former General Electric chief executive Jack Welch; and Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt and his wife, Wendy, who has made preserving Nantucket her mission.

Who owns the most land on Nantucket?

With over 9,000 acres, the Nantucket Conservation Foundation is the largest land owner on the island with about 30% of the protected open space.

What is the most expensive property on Nantucket?

Record-setting Nantucket compound for $38.1 million Dubbed "Beam Ends," the home includes a main house and two cottages on 3.6 acres of land, including 600 feet of beach frontage overlooking the Nantucket harbor, town and Brandt Point Lighthouse in Monomoy.

How many full time residents live on Nantucket?

How many people live on Nantucket? According to thew 2020 census, the island has a year round population of around 14,255. In July and August the population swells to around 80,000 or more.

How many houses are on Nantucket?

Nantucket has 11,650 housing units: 64 percent seasonal and 36 percent year-round. The median home price on Nantucket is $1.2M, yet the median family income is $92,800. Homeownership is prohibitive for 90 percent of the island's year-round households.

How many full time residents live on Nantucket?

How many people live on Nantucket? According to thew 2020 census, the island has a year round population of around 14,255. In July and August the population swells to around 80,000 or more.