Cemeteries in Burlingame, Kansas

8 cemeteries in Burlingame, Kansas


What are the different types of cemeteries in Burlingame?

Private Cemeteries in Burlingame, Kansas often have specific restrictions, such as religious affiliation or family connections. Military Cemeteries in Burlingame, Kansas are primarily for veterans and individuals who have served in the armed forces, and in some cases, their family members. Public Cemeteries in Burlingame, Kansas are open to the general public without any particular restrictions.

What information you provide for cemeteries in Burlingame?

We offer detailed information for cemeteries in Burlingame, Kansas , including the names of deceased individuals, their birth and death dates, data about relatives, and cemetery locations. Additionally, you can obtain historical records and conduct searches for ancestors interred in Burlingame, Kansas .

For how many cemeteries in Burlingame does Rhedesium have burial data?

Our database contains records of burials from 8 cemeteries.

What is the history of Burlingame Kansas?

History. Burlingame was originally established as Council City and was an stop on the Santa Fe Trail. The Council City post office was opened on April 30, 1855. The wide brick main street, Santa Fe Avenue, was built wide enough for an oxen team to be able to make a U-turn.

What county is Burlingame Kansas in?

Burlingame is a city in Osage County, Kansas. The city had 971 residents as of 2020, according to the United States Census Bureau.

What is the history of Eskridge Kansas?

The town experienced growth in 1880 when the railroad was built through it. Eskridge is named for Charles V. Eskridge, an Emporia, Kansas journalist and politician. Colonel Ephraim Sanford, the founder of the town company allowed Eskridge to buy the first lot and have the town named after him.

What is the history of Downs Kansas?

In 1879, when Downs was first founded, it was primarily a railroad town. Today, 126 years later, even though paved roads have largely replaced the existing rail lines, Downs holds onto its historical heritage as a railroad town. Visitors can see the history at the restored Downs Historic Railroad Depot.

How did Burlingame get its name?

It is located on the San Francisco Peninsula and has a significant shoreline on San Francisco Bay. The city is named after Anson Burlingame who was an attorney and a diplomat. Burlingame was settled by wealthy San Franciscans looking for a better climate.

What is the history of Weir Kansas?

Weir is, in large part undermined at a depth of about 30 feet where coal was mined from a 4 foot thick vein. In 1899, more than 200 African-American miners traveled to Weir from Pana, Illinois, after being attacked by white union members in what was called the Pana riot during a coal mining strike.

How did Burlingame get its name?

It is located on the San Francisco Peninsula and has a significant shoreline on San Francisco Bay. The city is named after Anson Burlingame who was an attorney and a diplomat. Burlingame was settled by wealthy San Franciscans looking for a better climate.

What is the history of Osage county Kansas?

Osage County was created by the first territorial legislature in 1855, and was originally named Weller County. The name was changed to Osage County in 1859 when the county was officially organized. At that time all that consisted of Osage County was a small strip of land two and a half miles deep.

What is the history of Howard county Kansas?

History: Howard County was composed of lands acquired from the Great and Little Osage Indians by the U.S. government via treaty in the late 1860s. Howard County was first established as Godfrey County, and in 1861 became Seward County. Howard County was established on 26 Feb 1867.

What is the history of Montgomery County Kansas?

Montgomery County, organized in 1869, was named after Revolutionary War “hero” General Richard Montgomery. The area that is Montgomery county was once the land of the Osage Indians. Trading posts were established in the county, before the immigration started more quickly in 1869.